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Small Outdoor Project Meeting Resources

Ideas To Get You Started

Changing the way we conduct in-person project meetings will require some thoughtful and creative problem solving. Here are some questions to think about to get you started on that process...

1) What outdoor spaces do you have available to use?

  • A big back yard?
  • A nearby park?
  • Access to the fairgrounds?
  • Access to a large grassy space on a college campus or school?
  • An unused baseball field? 
  • An abandoned parking lot? 

2) What are you or your children interested in doing?

  • Something physical? How about organizing a flash mob dance, various sports conditioning workouts, a soccer skills clinic, "4-H olympics", or hikes?
  • Something creative? What about individual crafts, nature photography, container gardening, water painting, duct tape fashion? 
  • Something social? A nature scavenger hunt, book club, backyard movie critic, or byo picnic challenge, ?
  • Something for emotional support or stress relief? Try yoga, bird watching, dog training or knitting. 
  • Some community service? Maybe areas need to be cleaned up, replanted, painted or have trails cleared? Maybe your local assisted living home would like handmade painted cards or origami flowers? Perhaps your sidewalk needs a chalk obstacle course or encouraging messages? Neighbors may need someone to fix up an animal pen or plant a garden.  
  • Something intellectual? Play trivial pursuit, make a subject specific jeopardy game, teach about epidemiology or help members learn vet medicine.

3) What lesson plans, curricula, activities and other meeting resources do you have? Check here for materials. What ice breakers can you do that allow for physical distancing and no shared materials?

4) What supplies do members need? 

  • Can you provide a list ahead of time and have everyone bring their own? 
  • Can you provide containers for them to decorate and label with their name to discourage sharing. 
  • Do you want to charge a project fee and purchase the items yourself? 
  • Do you want to ask your club to support the purchase of these items? 

5) What logistical issues do you need to consider? 

  • Who will be your second adult?
  • When and how will you do a virtual meeting ahead of time with families to communicate expectations? 
  • Is there a bathroom available? How will you disinfect it before and after the meeting?
  • Do you have facemasks and hand washing/sanitizer available? 
  • Do you need to reserve the space or ask for permission to use it? 
  • What time of day would be best, taking weather and school schedules into consideration?
  • How will people (and maybe animals) enter and exit safely?  
  • Do members need to bring a chair, blanket, or other seating for themselves or their animals? 
  • Do members need to bring a source of shade, such as an umbrella, for themselves or their animals?

6) Will this work better as a hybrid project? 

  • Can you demonstrate a skill in person, and then have members do it individually at home, showing you over a video meeting platform? Or vice versa? 
  • Can you meet virtually, and showcase your items together on a few occasions? 
  • Would a virtual field trip support members learning? 
  • Would a video better convey the topic or concept? And then a discussion can be held in person? 

Small, In-person, Outdoor Educational Project Resources:

We are here to support you. Please email djeldridge@ucanr.edu if you need to talk through your ideas or need additional help.